He will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in You." ~Isaiah 26:3
I battle daily to keep my mind steadfast on Him. To pray continually. To think thoughts that are pure and honorable. To have an encouraging spirit instead of a critical spirit. To just think about Jesus more than anything else.
I believe that if we can get that under control, than many other areas in our lives will follow that lead. My friend and past pastor said this in a sermon last week: "Have HIM as the supreme object of your affections and you will be exactly what people need you to be in their lives." ~ Brother Ed
See, I often worry that I am not measuring up to what people want/need me to be in their lives. Brother Ed reminded me in his sermon that if all of my thoughts, actions, and affections are set on HIM, than everything else will fall into place. Only then will I be exactly what people need.
So how do we keep our minds centered and our affections focused? Live a life that is permeated with Him!! Read His word. Read it read it read it read it. and after you've read it, read it again.and again and again. don't stop. Memorize His word. Hide it in your heart so you can constantly be "reading." think about it when you are in line at the grocery store, when you are nervous, when you are happy, when you are afraid. Meditate on it while you lie in bed at night, while you run, while you walk. Just remember it and think on it. And pray. pray pray pray pray. Pray while you're driving, pray while you're cooking, pray in the middle of a conversation that God would give you words to say, pray when you wake up, pray when you go to bed, pray before you eat, pray after you eat, it doesn't matter when or where or what you're doing...just pray pray pray without ceasing. (As a kiddo I remember my Sunday school teacher asking us where we could pray. We kids would try our best to come up with the most creative places we could pray and God still hear us[anywhere of course!] My favorite answer I remember saying very often was "Underwater!! Underwater, Mrs. Mary, God can still hear us underwater!!";)
Abide in Him. Constantly live in Jesus.
I have such a long way to go with this, but this is what I'm learning on my journey of being His at the moment. Let's encourage each other! :)
John Piper used this acronym as an example to help keep our minds focused on Him:
" Through the day I will pause and ask, What are your A.I.M.S? And I will answer:
A. I will call to mind the stupendous truth that Jesus is ALIVE. (Luke 24:5–6)http://www.desiringgod.org/blog/posts/a-i-m-s-a-new-acronym-for-living-my-life
“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.”I. I will remember the breathtaking reality that Jesus is IN me. (Romans 8:10).
“Christ is in you.”M. I will ponder the all-comforting fact that Jesus is MIGHTY. (Matthew 28:18).
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.”S. And I will savor the sweetness that Jesus is SATISFYING. (John 6:35)
"Whoever believes in me shall never thirst."
Jesus is worth our all,
This is sooo true! I love reading your blog Lyss! I can't tell you how encouraging it is for me! and how much of a blessing it is to grow in the Lord along side you!
ReplyDeleteLove You!!!
Aww, I am so glad it is encouraging to you! I pray it will be a way for me and others to grow. Love you too and thanks for the encouragement!
DeleteWOW WOW WOW! Words can't describe how needed this was!
ReplyDeleteI'm excited that the Lord is using this in lives! He is definitely working in me on this. Thanks for your comment! :)